Dear Life

Dear Life,
You’ve been a roller coaster so far,
I’ve felt the lowest lows in the trenches
I’ve seen the highs up on the Himalayas,
I’ve felt every emotion,
Every laugh, every drop of tear,
Disguised with the pitter-patter of rain that fell on my face,
Every time I came out surviving,
Sometimes achieving and sometimes failing,
I’ve learnt so much and I’ve grown up too quick,
I’ve learnt to both love you and despise you,
I’ve celebrated you and I’ve wanted to end you,
I’ve been my strongest and weakest,
And for all that I’m thankful.

I’ve written of you when there was negativity,
When I was broken and writing was the only outlet,
I realised I never wrote when things were going good,
I wrote of my demons but never of the angels that got me through,
I realised I needed to be reminded of them too,
I needed to pay homage to them,
Dear Life,
As much pain you’ve shown me,
You’ve shown me happiness too,
As ruthless as you have been,
You’ve shown me mercy too,
And for that I’m thankful.

Poetry by Kshiti Dubey
Read 173 times
Written on 2023-07-20 at 14:24

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Loved the title, loved the poem,
Nice to read your posts again.