
Sailing within your mind

Walking down the streets of Cairo
Last night while I was headed home
People , cars , noises and horns..
Only the Echoes of my soul are higher in sound than those,

A million thoughts gathered in my mind
A million thoughts battling inside
Like an outrageous sea on a stormy night..
The sky is dark and there's no sight
Foggy and stormy as it can be
The thoughts I have inside of me

And like a sailor along the sea
I try to find the harbor for me
To set my anchors to a halt
To find safety in this halt

But I guess sailors shouldn't get used to peace
Venturing the dangers is part of who they are
Venturing unknown places is what they are.

The way to learn to find your way
Across the sea doesn't come in an easy way
Many didn't make it
And many will not make it
But to try to make it is still courageous

To try to understand your fears
To try to dry your tears
To try to realize who you are
And appreciate yourself for what you are
No matter how different you may seem
In a whole world covered with fear
Looking in the mirror and seeing your face
Its not that scary in the 1st place

You need to give it your best
You need to stand and move on
You need to smile and go beyond

The smile is the healer of all time
The cure for all wounds
And the zest of life

A smile can be refreshing as a splash of water on your face
A smile can be as boosting as an energy drink through your veins
A smile can make you feel as if you've sprouted wings
A smile can make you run for miles without feeling the tire

Its just that simple indeed
But we just refuse to see between the lines..
We refuse to get out of our hideouts and try out

Live the adventure
Live the dream
Sail across yourself
And realize your dream
Smile and sing when ever you can
Always do things simply cause you can

Its all about you
Its all about your mind
Its all about sailing within your mind

Poetry by Tarek Refaat
Read 466 times
Written on 2005-08-21 at 12:48

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sails happily until... (oh no! a storm)... looks about for the anchor...

the quick to give up, will be the first to fall. the battle rages on, and the courageous, whether they win or lose, are always (will always be) courageous. ...admiration at these words.

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
a good piece, aye we must look to oneself if we wish to discover, within is the place to sail.

i think rather than using 1st, to use the actual words first, it would sit better within the poem i feel.