A Dusted Book

A Midsummer night's dream,
that's all how it appeared to be,

a cloud of smoke..
a sudden disappear
beyond my sight
i was in fear,
i couldn't see or find my way
but all of a sudden i was away...

opening my eyes through the mist..
i can see a forest of trees
full of bushes and blocks of stone,

walking along hearing nature's sounds
feeling my path and moving around
the wind blowing steadily through my hair..
moving every branch.. making calm sounds..
that seemed to scare me and sooth me at the same time

excitement and anticipation is what i felt..
until i reached a structure or so it seemed..

an abandoned stone structure,
it was three stories high..
with a rectangular shape.. it was quite wide..

i walked in to discover this place..
paintings and images , drawn all over the place,
men at arms
men at peace
life after death,
even in my dreams..
the people who were here
definitely had their times
of glory and pain
and crisis times..

the inscriptions on the walls said it all
about the lives and times and people beyond,

i kept on walking until i reached a room
with a wooden door
and golden emblem
the handles of the door were pure silver..
the contrast of the colors
seemed wildly amazing..

inscripted above the door was a line that said:
"this is where you decide who you are today"

pushing the door open
i move inside..
a round small room
with a throne chair that resides,
lying their in the middle
with its round steps around it..
and on the chair there was a crown..

next to the crown there was a book ,
covered with dust..as if it had never been used..

moving to the book i open the 1st page
and i find in it what would make so amazed

it said in a few lines what turned my eyes quite wide:
"this is where you decide who you are today,
this is where you choose what you can do today,
a Tyrant , a merciful lord or a cunning fox ..
but remember when ever you come to choose,
that nothing remains unpaid, any deed, good or evil
shall remain on your account.. if not for you then for your seed,
you can be the reason that leads to the sufferance of many,
or the joy those many.
Today is where you choose what shall you do today ,
what shall you give tomorrow ,
and look back at what you've done yesterday
and judge yourself
for who you are today"

the writing was written in an ancient hand-writing,
and was all in red..

the remainder of the book were rules of the land,
and how to manage and how to command.

and in the end just before the book cover,
again i found what amazed me more
" reaching that far and going through all this ,
means you are either a man of great patience or a man of wisdom,
either one will be good for you , but remember there's always a two way
for everything too.
use your powers for the sake of good, rule fairly and be understood,
talk to your people and realize, what they need and what lurks inside,
abolish their fears, and gain their trust, never hurry unless you must,
take your time and beware of your enemies, and Pray to He who gives you life
to He who gives you strength , to He who made you who you are ,
this book has said what it can today , and you decide , what you shall be today ,
a Tyrant , a Merciful lord , or a Cunning fox."
the dream came to a halt when i suddenly snapped out ,
and woke up to look around ,
there was no throne room
there was no book ,
there was nothing to be seen,
it was just a dream,
but i can still scent the smell of the book's dust..
it was there..
it was real..
and a sound echoed through my head,
"This is where you decide who you are today"
gazing up at the dark sky all i can see is a shining star..
and this was the end of a beginning which is too far..

Poetry by Tarek Refaat
Read 537 times
Written on 2005-08-30 at 13:28

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