Young Fairy Princess

Young Princess,
She's young and proud
So gentle and sweet
Like a sweet cotton cloud

She rides the wind
And travels the seas
With her crystal heart
She can reach the deep
The deepest souls of many around her

With her soft smile
And her gentle touch
She makes you smile
Like no one such

She has this spell she spreads around
She has these emotions she casts around
And everyone simply falls under her spell

Bound by her love
And by her tenderness

Young princess,
She's young and proud
You make me dance all around
You make me want to run and see
Just the sight of your eyes

Young Princess,
I will tell you one thing
Never change
And always smile
Always shine

Young Princess,
Find your way
You simply
Just make my day

Young Princess,
Grab my hand
Take me and fly
To never land

Young princess,
Always be close to me
Because that's how I will always
Need to be.

Poetry by Tarek Refaat
Read 540 times
Written on 2005-08-30 at 08:18

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i take this as words of love dedicated to one precious to your heart... very beautiful, tender and endearing... i enjoyed this poem... made me smile... thanks for sharing :)
