The eternal dilemma of the serious artist

The eternal dilemma of the serious artist
is the necessity for him to have to share his pearls with swine,
who will not understand him and show no appreciation
but will rather find a reason, any reason to depreciate and criticize,
disparage, derogate and find excuses for objection
to do anything to pull the artist down to levels of vulgarity and baseness,
and he has to take it and survive it, mobilize endurance
and his only personal defense, which is humility.
He will have to dodge attacks of ignorance and derogation
and sneak out of it to gradually get out on the other side
with scars and brutal memories but with his integrity intact.
Throwing rotten eggs and vegetables, carrots and all kinds of garbage
at an actor as he is performing honestly on stage
is actually a merit to his credit,
while the audience has only proved themselves to be
no more than base and vulgar dirty swine.

Poetry by Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 156 times
Written on 2024-07-01 at 00:00

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