How always agile and gay

is the squirrel in apparel grey-
wild his home, time finite,
amidst plenty, so few his need-
an acorn here or an ivory nut there
scooped off
the forest floor by his little feet,
tiny paws upraised in gratitude
so blissful the mere sense
of being alive-
swings he
in his leafy trapeze
of forest tent-
curled up in a ball
bushy tail and head small,
asleep in peace
in his leaf-strewn arboreal bed.
leaves-woven hammock, heat-proof
his summer resort-
frost and sleet proof, tree cavities
his winter retreat. In, seeks he, spiritual depth
and out explores
the jungle for logical expanses-
combining both, fulfils
a fundamental decree
in a laid-back manner.

Poetry by yoonoos peerbocus
Read 24 times
Written on 2024-10-21 at 01:04

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