“What Beauty Is (To The Geometrist)” Reprised Once Again

What beauty is (to the geometrist),
has the shape of the Golden Ratio.
Beauty is courage, the defiant fist
of a protector fear can't overthrow.

Beauty, also, is Hector's promised vow
to defend city, child, and princess bride.
What beauty is, moves Priam, to not show
his ire for Paris's treach'rous regnocide.

What beauty is not, is beauty falsified
by artifice and insincere, harsh light;
what beauty is not, is show that's nationwide
that's wirelessed, streamed, and displayed day and night.

In essence, what beauty is frames your face:
which shames ev'n Helen of the Trojan race!

Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 7 times
Written on 2025-03-13 at 10:37

Tags Helen  Paris  Troy 

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