134. Love and friendship

The freedom of our love is maybe its responsibility
and finest trait and fruit, since it is based on trust.
That maybe summarizes the whole thing:
longevity of love is friendship,
and where friendship lasts, love certainly will grow.
The deepest love is not just passion but affection,
and where this is stabilized, established and well founded
love becomes synonymous with friendship and self-evident.
Those who really love each other need not talk about it,
they just stick together like old friends
in consistent and continuous communion
that cannot easily be interrupted
even by the longest momentary separations;
for when two souls find each other and united into one
that union cannot be more perfect
in transcendence of all vows and bonds and worldliness.

Poetry by Christian Lanciai
Read 925 times
Written on 2006-08-29 at 15:10

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