Old people's home is full mothers and fathers whose children refused to look after or even drop in ,sometimes. How sad that some as become adults forget who cherished them in the past.

14) An Old Woman Cry

Her wrinkled face,
Dwelt on thoughts
A day after day in old people's home
As she turned old,
Her children considered her odd.
She was questioning herself" WHY?"
Am I supposed to live alone?
It's not my place
Or where I belong.
They were living inside my guts.
I was like the shell of my baby nuts.
A sky that gathered her clouds
A sea that laid its boats on a safe coast.
And the bird that taught her fledglings how to fly.

There were crying on my shoulder.
Sleeping as angels on my lap,
And as they got older and stronger,
I was supporting and thankful to God.

Now when my hair is grey
And body is weak.
I can't even find an arm to lean,
Or a couple of fingers to wipe away that grief.

What a Loss!
What are children for?
If in their old age , neglected their parents' grace,
And sought the pleasures of the world.

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1556 times
Written on 2006-09-07 at 17:56

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Leif H T Strand
have you stopped writng? Come on!

Leif H T Strand
So thrue. So thrue...

this is so sad..so glad you thought of this...excellent...made me think...

As a parent I can truly say that we "make" children but we do not make their minds. Many times children do not realize how much they have hurt thier parents until they have children and that fate befalls them. As for your poem, it is a marvelous subject and how true it is. I leave you and those who read your poem with this thought. "When pain is to be borne, a little courage helps more than knowledge, a little "human sympathy" more than much knowledge, and the least tincture of "God's love," more than all. Be Blessed!

keith nunes
your poem made me cringe. well done. you;re so right, the elderly are left to rot once their children consider them a burden. well said

such an amazing topic!!!! i loved it the way u expressed your feeling is very good!!
this is true that now this kind of thins r happenin and what i know is that ,that the one who wil do this with their parents than their children will do the same with them.
I pray to God that i be a good cjhild of my parents so that they do not cry when they r old!!! Once again a brilliant work i really very enjoyed it!

Such an amazing and insightful piece Amanda...it is all too true what you describe...so very sad to know those people were once caregivers of the very children that have forgotten them...excellent poem to stir the conscience of us all.
