17) (((Fantasies)))

I dreamt once and the first thing that hit me as waking up was the truth.
I wished a lot but never wished for something as loving you .
But what I gained except the pain.
Out of fantasies what did I reach?
I found the doors closed and the hopes've gone .
To dream in love is to torture your heart day by night.
To kill yourself twice with all your might, when your hands are tied.
Or to hew a path that leads to nothing but the far
I' rather then dewlt in thoughts
Stray from the folk
Defy the imagination
And live with fact
With its laughs and tears
With its blows and fears
Without a hand to hold you dear,
A voice to hear you overseas,
A heart of your love does beat
A brush on your cheeks
Or even a time of good cheer
By the candle's light I will let my tears scalding the draught in me

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1272 times
Written on 2006-09-23 at 23:56

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I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied: Go out into the darkness, and put thine hand into the hand of God. That shall be to thee a better than light and safer than a known way. Every experience God gives us, every person he puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only he can see. A well penned poem!

Let the scalding tears flow... Because they will break open the cocoon, and then you can spread your butterfly wings and fly. Fly high, the world is yours to rule!

Veld Cooper
Amanda, this moved me so much-there is no pain greater than love that is gone...

Leif H T Strand
I also know, how it is to be "killed twice"!
You have captured those feelings well in this poem!

how these words are very moving..
How joy and sorrow goes hand in hand..
I once heard from a friend:)
Just reminded me of a friend of mine:)
hugs to you