A Response to Emelén's Poem

Roses in November

Radiant light falls on water

Over the silent mountain drops

Seven thoughts to you with love

Everything is never lost but forever here

Sending praise to you in the skies above

Inside I find you, a work of art

Nested within my loving heart

Night shines on your face

Over the water river valleys

Very special are the lights that shine

Entwining with the time and place

Many days have made me wonder

By what call does your radiance thunder

Everything you do is like the moon

Radiance shining; never leaving too soon

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 2101 times
Written on 2006-11-23 at 07:34

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This poem almost made me cry. I feel the emotion, i see the picture, congratalations. This poem is amazing. I love it. I love the language, the rhyme the rhytm.


Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

wow aaron. i really liked that. not very many people write acronyms on here. this is the first one i read. good job. i loved it a lot. you should diffenitely write more.

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

tony legba
As an acrostic...yes it works.
Do you think the rhyme is needed? Especially when rhyme tends to force words into odd order.

Language: 3
Format: 4
Mood: 4
Overall: 4

Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
I meant a beautiful response to m y poem .. (Sometimes I talk of myself in third person and that can sound a bit weird) . There is a soothing continuation in this poem and I am deeply honoured by your response .

Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
this is a very good acrostic poem and a beautiful response to Emeléns poem. the images here are bountiful and magical.

Now this I call good and enticing art!!!!

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi there

are you so good with these poems and you fare the master of these nostalgic texts

rgds mike

Language: 5
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Inside I find you, a work of art
Nested within my loving heart

beautiful lines aaron...i loved the entire piece

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5