Just having a little fun with love and computer terms

Computer Byte (Entry to A Different Love Challenge)

Without you my virtual memory is low

You are my system restore when I have a virus

My backup drive when my primary fails

My love for you is that of Windows Xp

Blue or Olive Green or Silver

There is no rebooting my love for you

I can remember back to the days of Windows 95

We have upgraded since then

Now our love continues to ascend

The internet is our ultimate connection

As long as we stay connected

I can always surf you

Our love is a firewall

Keeping the viruses away from taking you

You are my hard dirve

I am forever the data stored on it

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 915 times
Written on 2006-11-24 at 01:45

Tags Computer 

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This is a wonderfully put together poem, when i saw the title, i got worried, i thought it might not live up to all your other poems, but once i got into it, i couldn't stop, it had rhythm and meaning to it. Stellar composistion Aaron.


that's very clever!!! ROFFLMAO !!! Very nice! :)

Clever on a completely different slant and yet it still works great stuff.

wow what a poem, truely amazing
"Keeping the viruses away from taking you

You are my hard dirve

I am forever the data stored on it"

Kathy Lockhart
Aaron this is so very clever. Great creativity!!