Will life worths living without love? Let my poem on my behalf answers.

29) Will life without love will ever be Complete?

Who has never tasted love,
Is indeed poor.
Is like one who since born,
Has seen the sun but never felt its warmth.
Who knew there was a season called Spring,
But never witnessed the flowers in their bloom.
Is the one who watched the sky without the moon,
Or walked so long without getting the point.
What made him take such distance without reluctance?
Or climbing when there's no view.
Singing with no melody,
Crying without tears,
And traveling alone in a tough road to a country
That's invisible with no lead.
Will life without love will ever be Complete?

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1377 times
Written on 2006-12-04 at 15:41

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I have Goosebumps all over my body; this is such a nice write. The comparison with love and without love are so well revealed, job well done!!

betsy Firefly
How beautifully penned, Amanda!

No wonder the last commandment Jesus left us, was: "LOVE one another!" If we try to follow this, with His help, others will feel the warmth of the sun (Son ;-), right?!). Give meaningful hugs!
Write meaningful words, such as these!

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
life without love in any form is unfathomable to me... i think the essence of life is love.. without it we are very poor all around... good ponderings in this... and i agree, love has got to be part of the equation for it to be all worth while... excellent again... *hug* xx

munir mezyed
I totally agree with u as there no life without love or I better say no beauty without love
love is crown of beauty upon the head of life

Very beautifully worded...

"Singing with no melody
Crying without tears.
And traveling alone in a tough world to a country
That's invisible with no lead."

Keep writing these wonderful, thoughtful writes Amanda! It is a great talent you have.

I sit here in the darkness, enveloped in tears as I read this. Great write, and certainly a message that I have also known in my life. Thank you for sharing this....Joel

Emeka Chike Nwogu
Life will never be complete without love. Aptly captured.


Amanda ,
This is really beautiful . You expressed it very well .

::::~]M[ a x ~ ]D o l b y~::::
Singing with no melody
Crying without tears.

your words really express feelings and emotion...love can be in very different words and colors...love is the base of this universe...yeah...we believe in god because we love him yeah??


night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
oh sorry and *bookmarked* of course!
A very thought provoking poem Amanda :)

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
No it will never be complete because life is love. And once you 've seen the sun the memory never fades away and you will always keep looking untill you find the sun again. . . Life's melody is love and crying without tears is because pain comes from losing what you 've once loved. . .

Welll written my friend. . . Well written. . .

Take care