A Winter's morning put into deep perspective.

Winter Mist

Light dawns on the translucent window

Fills the room with such a warm glow

Cool air through the cracked door

Sunrise gives new meaning abroad

Silver lakes glisten with promise

Dense fog floats on the edge

Snow covers the ground in layers

Mornings silence is tranquil and understanding

Self-reflection is a blessing in itself

Calms waters show past intentions

One can only wonder if direction falters

Steps through the mist show ignorance

Continuing through shows perseverance

Through the pain and loss of time

The lake shows many future decisions

I may be lost in a stream of ambivalence

But my purpose holds me to the truth

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 2107 times
Written on 2006-12-11 at 06:05

Tags Winter 

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You show the true intelligence of the winteras well as the splendor!!!

Brillant!! This is such a peaceful, beautiful peace..ah, refreshing!

Kathy Lockhart
Aaron this is brilliance flowing, glistening, shinning!!
The imagery and the poignancy are outstanding.