Just a windy day by the shore, or maybe something more.


Coastal Winds

Each step instilled urgent longing

The waves in the ocean passed silently

Backtracking was not an acceptable choice

Trials ahead meant enduring memories

Past memories of doubt and mistrust

As the sun would set in place of night

The winds would not leave me to settle

Endurance was vital and endurance was trying

Each blow impaled my spirit

Each blow immolated my strength

As the arctic water came in

My heart froze in a panic

Deep inside lay many locks

Dreams confined by mistrust

Perfection clouded by haze

I found the will inside to break free

My shield against the wind became evident

With the beach beneath my feet

I walked with one thought in mind

Knowing the past supports ones dream

And the future supports ones faults

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1515 times
Written on 2006-12-12 at 02:10

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Kathy Lockhart
this has be pondering about those last two lines. I will keep thinking on how the future supports one's faults. hmmmmm
beautiful picture and a lovely flowing poem.