A Story that can touch the "Kathy Lockhart" in all of us.

Angelic Hope In Reach

The burden of life itself
Set upon the the shoulders of an angel
Each step a painful reminder
Of a neglect in constant form
A forgotten smile lost in time
Abyssal darkness engulfed hope
No one could envision each impact
Envision each entrancing loss
Envision what what become a memory
Long was many a night
Walking with this ever wearing force
Not requested or wanted by her

"The world is just as corrupted as the
last man who thinks that perfection
is easily in reach"

Over the abyssal plain a weakness is discovered
Her tears from each severed heart and atrocity committed
Fall from her angelic eyes to the desolate ground
This purity from a heart not riddled with sin and deceit
Has a power so profound it is in itself hope
With this the sun can shine through the darkness
The doves of promise can finally take wing and be free

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 896 times
Written on 2006-12-21 at 05:51

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A wonderfully conveyed and beautifully inspired poem. This is just fantastic. Reading this made me realize how much I miss your writing! :)

Language: 5
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Kathy Lockhart
Aaron the beauty of this poem comes from the heart of a most gentle and kind poet (you). It now is in my favorites. You have blessed me this Christmas Season with this poem. Thank you.

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Cool, this issimply beautiful!
(((Hugs for that compassionate heart of yours))))
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!
Love, Zoya

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5