I an agree with Zoya and her powerful Words. : )

Life Is Never The Same ~Aaron Style~

Find your strength in times of peace and tranquility
Accept the notion that tomorrow will be a trying time
'Cause life is what you make of it
Find something that defines your reason for living
Show no weakness in times of imminent adversity
'Cause you never no what could happen
Find hope within the trials and tribulations
Prepare for a very enduring time ahead"
'Cause Life is never the same twice

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 796 times
Written on 2006-12-21 at 07:19

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Excellent advice, so much can be said in a few words. Love it!

Zoya Zaidi
Wow! This is good Cool!
Thanks for considering my poem worth the inspiration!
Love, Zoya

I like the ethos in this little poem very much, not sure about the slang though, I think 'because' would suit it's readership better but that is just a thought from Tai

Kathy Lockhart
Strong and wise words you have presented here in this beautifully flowing poem. The picture is perfect.