Another Coolaaron Idea

Quite a Crazy Mind

No pedestal to rest my anger, my fury, my corruption
Every minute, every second--
Hour passing by changes and changes constantly
My state, my state of being and understanding
My past sits squarely between the future
Yet it won't let the present gently rest
My mood is set solely dependent up an idea
This idea slowly depleting from my soul, my mind
Every waking moment is a torment for the millions
Watching me, studying every fiber of me
Every choice I make channels frustration
Every decision I make channels pain
Every mistake I make falters my heart
As if the calling of the future wasn't enough
The past, this wretched thorn, won't dissipate
Am I to go mad at this impaling force that won't let go
At long last I am to cause my own destruction
At the hands of me, myself, my mind
This woe is one of pain and pure horror
No pedestal to rest my anger, my fury, my corruption

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1523 times
Written on 2006-12-23 at 23:25

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Kathy Lockhart
this whole presentation is electrified! It is full of power!

An emotion charged write for sure. Excellent rhythm and description. Just great all around.

I love poems with words that don't just portray imagery and mood, but this one the words contributed to the way i thought about the poem, thanks.
