Take a walk down this road

This Path ~3rd Revision~

Beyond this worn road before me
I pause to justly consider
A time to significantly reflect upon
The past. More than the future offers
I see: Dreams, yet to come true
Night, A fading facade for my fallacies
And one resolution that seems to ensue
My tread marks in the road have worn
Just as my mind has in this current travel
Telling myself that the future waits; stirs
And the past recedes and settles
This, is in fact, false
The timeless void between the two
Brings my journey to a standstill
Each bump visible in the path ahead
Obstructs my ability to discern right from wrong
A sense of longing.... desperation and fear
Inhibits my grasp of advancing
I proceed with caution
One foot in front of the other
As I drift away from the wrongs committed
I am enveloped in a shroud
On this road that should hold much promise
I focus on my rite of passage
Yet I worry about parting with this milestone
For the future, the new rite
The present surely holds refuge from what has happened
And what has yet to occur
I second guess my final journey
Of which I am still traveling, journeying, looking
Just as the sun rises with the setting of the moon
My parting with the present must occur
My walk on the road wears with the passing time
With summer the road's heat slows me down
With winter the road's chill stops me
This shroud contains what I fear most
Departure from the present
My past holds me from advancing
While the future hold pleasure and pain
The present is my only refuge
Only the contemplation within
Can wear the shroud that envelops; impales
So I can make my final journey
My final rite of passage

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 943 times
Written on 2007-01-01 at 07:42

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betsy Firefly
The secret to your lovely path (picture and and real life) lies in the choice you make. Your path, still - or God's.

You, yourself, hold the secret in these two stanzas:

my past holds me from advancing
while the future hold(s) pleasure and pain

When our ways, paths, roads and highways are those laid out by the good Lord, He enables us to leave the past behind and not to worry about tomorrow. We learn to trust Him who teaches moment-by-moment living. It is a lesson that takes a life-time.

Lovely reflective poem for 2007.

Language: 4
Format: 3
Mood: 5
Overall: 4