Some parents leave their children behind at a critical age .Leaving them to face life with its ups and downs alone. This is a cry from a child to his mother.

35) Mom

How would I put this weary head on the pillow,
And dream of a singing willow.
If it's swarmed by troubles and loads.
How can these eyes relax and seal?
If they are red, veined and can't sleep.
The body of mine is screaming for rest.
As a bird searching for its nest.
But when I recall what you did,
Insomnia does me arrest.
Mom you have left me with brothers to feed.
When I was still young and weak.
Knowing you were divorced, and
since that dad disappeared.
You went with the other man,
Moved to a new house and land,
Leaving me behind on fire,
And our home was in collapse.
At a glance all what you have done in the previous years;
From caring, loving and watering your seeds
Wasn't better than an ash if you believe.
After deciding to be selfish and self-absorbed.
Deserting your children and breaking your oath.
When they didn't have a home but your arms.
When they didn't feel but your warm hand.
And you were for them the mom and dad
I'm sad that once in my life I called you mom.

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1179 times
Written on 2007-01-07 at 09:50

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betsy Firefly
Very sad. It just breaks your heart to read it. Still we must forgive.

hugss Amanda...expressing such deep painful emotions can indeed be cathartic....I hope you gain strength as you try to heal your spirit, much love to you
2007-01-18 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
it's difficult to understand how certain parents can treat their own children in this manner... but it happens unfortunately... you really got the reality and the emotions of such situations across very poignantly in this... brought me back to my own situation with my parents... very sad write, but it needs to be put into the light... thanks for this sensitive write... *hug* xx

betsy Firefly
A sad and truthful, strong SHOUT from a young herat! How tragic!

A dark, emotional write. Moms are always needed in my opinion, but even more so at a young age.

You have done this poem in such an intense way that I felt like the child crying for help, this is really well done!! Such a sad poem, you had a look though a terrified Childs eyes... great work

You're a great poet...

Rob Graber
Tragic tale indeed...

It really put me in tears

Ver nicely written I really can feel the child cry

so sad

a very moving poem..brought me to tears..
hugs to you:))))
