A poem about the abuse of a child.

The Child in Silence

I am a child of silence who lives in violence.
My heart races to many sounds
I hear because I am in fear.
Not knowing who will be around.
Silence in my mind until the beating comes around.
Then I hear smacking in my ears.
My body twiching this way and that way
I go numb and play dumb.
No brain no pain!
I return to a different being
knowing I am getting a beating.
I give you a silent look
of whimpering glassy eyes that can not hide.
It is as though I don't exist
in this misery that does persist.
Say a word or twoand I am frightened of you!
Their guilt for my abuse
makes them want to buy me gifts.
Until the abusers will arise to the momemt of hate and
deceit that makes them feel incomplete.
I must repeat!
I am the child in silence
because of so much violence!

Poetry by Rhonda M. Clapper
Read 235 times
Written on 2007-01-29 at 23:13

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