A poem about the beautiful summer nights of nature.

Oh! Summer's Night

Oh! Summer's night
I gazed at the sight
of the brilliant moon
That stays throughout
the night.

Oh! Beautiful skies of
the shooting stars
from way above afar.

I take a deep breath
in of the wind
that sends a sweet
fragrance within my body.

Oh! Sweet fragrance breeze of
summer delight.

I can almost taste the sweetness
that would touch my lips
for a deep kiss from it's nectar.

The night songs of birds
of sweet melodies
to nestle in their nest
for a goodnight's rest.

Oh! Summer's night it is a beautiful

Poetry by Rhonda M. Clapper
Read 228 times
Written on 2007-01-29 at 23:25

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
On this very cold winter's night I read your poem like a warm cup of hot chocolate and it warmed my chilling body. I was back to last July on one of those kinds of nights enjoying it all again. Thank you very much!