A poem about a smoker's decriptive feelings about experiencing dying!

Don't Smoke!

I smoke and I choke has my
lungs fill up with smoke.
Yes, it is my addiction
a tobacco confliction.
I smoke to ease my pain
and stress to realize I not at my
Only to realize I made a mistake.
Life is at a balance
a scale that can't be replaced.
My lungs are turning black
filled with tar and nicotine.
My oxygen levels dropped
and my lips are turning blue.
The smell of tobacco reeks
on my body and tares at my soul,
only to be told that I won't be
able to grow old.
My lungs have weakened and my
heart has taken a toll.
How do I tell my children?
I won't be there to give them hugs
and advice.
Except one that took my life!

Poetry by Rhonda M. Clapper
Read 248 times
Written on 2007-01-29 at 23:35

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