From the book "A Woolly Mammoth on Amelia Street: Poems4Kids and Grown-Ups Too!" By Todd-Michael St. Pierre.

Did You Show up Just to Throw up?

Did you show up just to throw up?
Did you plan it all this way?
Did you show up just to throw up?
Just to ruin my tenth birthday?
Cuz you gobbled up my ice cream
And three-quarters of my cake!
You destroyed my lovely party,
OH, it's more than I can take!
You ate every yellow candle,
As I stood there screaming, "GROW UP!"
God, it's more than I can handle...
Did you show up just to throw up?

Little kid, I think you did!

This poem is to Hayden J. Reeves, who really did ruin my tenth birthday! Yes, Hayden, I am still mad at you!

Poetry by Todd-Michael St. Pierre
Read 643 times
Written on 2007-02-21 at 00:51

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There is always a greedy kid to spoilt the party Todd, you are so lucky my first part was 13 and we all got lathered on cider!lol Lots of throwing up for sure!lol Very funny poem. Good luck with the book. Smiling at you, Tai

Phyllis J. Rhodes
I hope you have more illustrations for this. It is fantasitc!!