From the book "A Woolly Mammoth on Amelia Street: Read Aloud Poems4Kids" By Todd-Michael St. Pierre

My Poopasaurus

Have you seen my Poopasaurus?
Oh she poops in great big piles.
She's a prehistoric creature,
And her poop goes on for miles!

Can you help me to locate her?
Though your nose won't like it much,
If you see her please remember,
You can look but do not touch!

Do not touch my Poopasaurus,
Or she may just poop on you.
She escaped me just this morning,
When I took her out to poo.

Have you seen my Poopasaurus?
She's the only pet I've got.
She's cute and kind, but keep in mind...

She poops an awful lot!

Author's Note: Parents HATE This poem & that is why you must read it aloud & learn it by heart!!!

Poetry by Todd-Michael St. Pierre
Read 920 times
Written on 2007-02-21 at 01:06

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Very poopagood. I like these kind of poems.

I am a mother and very childish and I love this poem too. There is a lot of doo doo's around this poopdeck at the moment!lol I want a pet like that too. So handy....grinning at you, Tai

Phyllis J. Rhodes
I'm a grandparent and I LOVE this poem and LOVE reading it aloud, VERY aloud!!

betsy Firefly
:-) Kids will love this - anything about poo and pee...