
By chance
this week
I am
in a world
of pairs
some angry
some awakened
some beautiful
some bored
some close
some confused
next week
I will be
how will we,
my love,
look then
to a stranger
sitting quietly
at the back
of a church
in Rome?

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1662 times
Written on 2007-03-07 at 18:35

Tags Love  Rome 

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This poem carries to me a sublime and yet so clear and strong message of love ... told in the quiet reflection ... looking on the world .. watching others ..... and for a minuite stepping outside the realm we make for ourselves ... secure and safe in a love ... will let us do just that .... watch our own world from the outside ... and then we can safely return to the arms of a love that keeps us warm and safe ....

a beautiful poem setting itself in the everyday magic we all are part of..


I love those playing-with-words-texts........ Very well done here since I found myself smiling when I was finished reading it......