Love is such a deep feeling that we feel sometimes unable to measure.

47) This is Love

They all want to define what's true love?
And I am telling you the answer's with the one you love.
As you look him in the eye and want this moment to last,
this is love.
As you touch his hand and wish it never parts your parts, this is love.
As you talk to him the whole night without feeling running
out of time, this is love.
As you feel sad for his pain and pray it never visits him again, this is love.
As you walk with supporting hand and standing til the end
with your man,this is love.
As you hug him and feel melting every time he breaths,
this is love.
As you laugh and cheer whenever he succeeds, this is love.
As you hope and can't wait to hold his child and raise ,
this is love.
As you wait him when returns counting nights and days, this is love.
As you see him and smile , run to hold his arms from miles,
this is love.
Love dear is not just a word, it's every action and thought
This is love.

to my yummy guy
with love

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1536 times
Written on 2007-03-18 at 06:39

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:) i can't put it any other way really, but i love 'love' hehe ... such strong feelings, such a rush of life through the system... and definitely hard to define 'cause there are so many aspects that will make us love someone... but one thing's for sure, your text feels exactly how it is in love... cozy, warm, full of affection.... my heart smiles a sighing smile... very beautiful... :) *hugs* xx

this is so beautiful
Emma u always make our days
loved it so much

your love be profoundly inspiring in every truth it

this beautiful
very good write filled with Love

Love you, Yummy guy

Defining love with logic? I really dont know what love is. I could not define love so I became a poet. I tried to give this message in my poem- " I became a poet" Anyway you defined it. I am close to Zoya Zaidi's definition of love. It is a passion in an abatract sense and when you try to difine love in an operational sense, it is a naked need. O too much philosophy.

Amanda K
wow always made me smile,thx