50) Thank you My Lord

To my Lord,
Who held the skies above,
Made those little birds fly,
And trees send breeze.
I may not occasionally express my love to you.
I may sometimes be sinful, selfish and forget you.
Tempted by life's varied pleasures,
Taken by lousy roads to search treasures,
Not thankful enough for your blessings,
Temporary frown and asking for more.
But I know you are aware that you are inside me.
And your angels have told you am sure;
That I may get busy but remember you my Lord.
Forgive my indifference,
Accept my reluctance,
And do not take away your fond indulgence.
For you have made me and opened your door for me.
To love and surrender.

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1529 times
Written on 2007-03-31 at 11:42

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i like it

Kathy Lockhart
Amanda you have written a beautiful prayer and so I say Amen to it. It is in my favorites.

yoonoos peerbocus
a powerful inward light -a further discovery leadind to real growth

This very beautiful poem...well done

Love you, Yummy_guy