51) Voice of Iraq

Becomes a scene of murder everyday
For who desires to commit a crime
It welcomes death with open arms
They are wearing a bloody cloth
Ready to head to the grave and mourn
The children who died before uttering their names
May all the prayers of pain reach their souls again
Those who couldn't live normally as other children do
With their innocent smiles
And unartifical acts, how cruel
Without getting enough of mom and dad's love
Let the world witness the hands
That hanged the baby on the cradle
And killed the infant before he reached his mom's bosom
And shot their dreams and left them shattered
They at least now moved to the other world
Where they can find some peace unfolds
And the mercy of their lord

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1252 times
Written on 2007-04-03 at 10:23

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F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
makes my heart squeeze, and stifle a scream... can "leaders" stop counting their money and realize the reality of their greed and cruelty is what this slaps across my face... nothing justifies the murders of innocence... absolutely nothing... *hugs* xx

Aashish Thakur
war is an evil, whichever place it is happening...its really sad to see and hear about it..this is a good write....i also wrote one on same....read it any time

This was a very sad piece
And welldone for wriitng something on this subject
I'm glad to see that your angel heart here

You were amazing
What a sad piece
;( very well written

Its so sad whats going on in Iraq. Its makes me feel so bad seeing a picture like that. Good write! Great subject to write about.