53) Pain of Lost Love

I folded that page,
And thought for a while;
That even the wildest wind wouldn't shake.

I locked that door and threw the key,
In a place no human being could conceive.

I burned all the papers,
Got rid of their ashes,
And left no traces or matches.

I was sure by doing so;
I would not open for memories a single door.
I didn't realize that I was fooling myself ,
And the wound needs air to be gone.
I can fold the pages but not the words said.
I can lock the doors but not on the image of his face.
I can burn the papers but not the one who has written them.

It will forever be fresh,
And get wider the wound love caused,
No one can fight it .

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1259 times
Written on 2007-04-07 at 10:55

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this is a very beautiful poem to read
I like it..
Love you, Yummy_guy

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
lost love... your poem expresses the pang of pain that rushes through in times like that... though the pain does eventually come to subside a bit, its trace will always be somewhere not too far removed, memories will stick... hard to forget someone who was able to make us feel so alive and wonderful... well, that's the basis of what i understand in this one... we just never forget the dream that got broken... very beautiful the wording as well... once again, a very good poem to read from you :) *hugs* xx

Loving the Expression
Excellent Write!!!!

it's realy wonderful
loved it

A very well written text

I really loved it

A very honest one this is

One of your another best work , you showed here

Keep it up d: