To my yummy guy , I just miss you and wrote those simple words .May they reach you and make you feel warm.Special thanks for Moods , for her review and suggestions on my poem , made it better.

55) Miss you, Come back

And even though the stars are bright,

I only see darkness at night
For you are not beside me.
Therefore I hug my pillow plenty;
But it's not as warm as your heart
Nor as cozy as your chest.
And whenever the breeze comes by,
I miss your scent.

I can't wait for us to be together
So that I can pull your arms,
One after the other,
Kiss you on your forehead,
Smile and giggle with no end.
Since your absence, my fond heart
Beats faster,
And I'm wishing the days could just run by and fly,
So that I'd find you right here in front of my eyes.
Sing a love lyric,
In which our longing hearts dance.

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1283 times
Written on 2007-04-15 at 07:51

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a beautiful poem. written in love (that i have no experience) your writings are the best and have the taste of love(always, mostly).

I miss you to
this is a very beautiful poem to read
thank you so much
Love you, Yummy_guy
2007-04-21 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
so much tenderness and secure feelings come through to me when i read the words you've left for your beloved... this is just beautiful, and expresses those spaces of time when apart from the one we love so very much... "Therefore I hug my pillow plenty; But it's not as warm as your heart. And cozy as your chest." - for me, this line expresses the longing and that feeling of missing him so much... nothing and no one else would ever do, and i believe it... this is definitely warm... :) *hugs* xx

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Gorgeous words of love and longing - nothing so wretched as being apart from your lover

Elle x

Kathy Lockhart
sweet words of love and longing Amanda. Tenderness of heart, gentleness of thought, loveliness of expression.


missing someone can
create this feeling realy beautiful