Calton Hill overlooks Edinburgh and offers the most beautiful views in all directions from the sea to the mountains. It breathes with freedom.

beacon black

the first thing
I noticed was
the coconut scent
of the blooming gorse
beside the stepworn slope
and as the old observatory
came into sight
it felt as if
the summer sun
had come
not yet too early
as standing
upon Calton's mound
the sound of the city
drifts below
the cooling breeze
from the Salisbury Crags
and as we turn
to face the sea
at Leith
and 'neeth our feet
the rock dissembles
I read
the beacon black
words etched in stone proclaiming
the present may be theirs
but the past
and the future

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 956 times
Written on 2007-04-19 at 00:06

Tags Edinburgh  Nature  Future 

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my dear friend, this is a wonderful description! and i totally agree with you, it breathes with freedom! lovely writing!
Lilly xxxx

Zoya Zaidi
What lovely description dear Humpherys!
I was there with you!
These are the sighs and sounds that inculcate in us the love of our country.
I absolutely agree with the lines of wisdom in the last stanza:
"the present may be theirs
but the past
and the future

Now I want to visit Ireland! lol!
Lovely pic. too!

Love, Zoya

Kathy Lockhart
vivid and moving imagery brought me to a beautiful place of peace.