58) Your Friendship is a Treasure

You were always the sun shinning on my roof
No matter how the weather turned cloudy or blue
You gave me a hand and smiles
Hundreds of words that did inspire
Wiped away all my pains
Your shoulder was the comfortable pillow
In which I could lean
Your tongue didn't complain and calmed my fears
When ever I needed you flew to me reach
With opening arms that sent all the warmth and care
With touches so healing and heart lovingly feeling
I thought of saying thank you
For departure will be soon
Owing you the gratitude that's flowing
Like the raging waves of a sea that's mourning
I will always appreciate your friendship,
my DEAREST friend..

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1600 times
Written on 2007-04-23 at 14:08

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LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

That was a nice piece to your friend

It shows you are true friend that she or he can always depend upon d:

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
a very special and strong friendship is what i feel from this... how beautiful the way you express your feelings of appreciation and gratitude... the love flows as equally... can't help smiling reading this... thanks, making me think of my special friend too :) *hugs* xx

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
A true friendship as you write of, is something to cherish - beautiful words to express all of this

Elle x

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Amanda Panda this is a beautiful poem for your deasr friend and so flowing in its construction that ther reader goes into the feelings you convey well done that is the true skill of the writer

rgds Mike