59) I am Sailing

I am sailing to nowhere
And I know the journey will be tough
For when you don know to where
Your road is directed
Your mind will be full of fuss
But I just decided to run away
From the fact that was bitter
And I don know if this new path
will be any kinder or better
Despite of all that am determined to leave
For the pain won't unleash unless you make it breathe
And I don care if am gonna sink or die
Am already dead by witnessing
my present situation and miserable fact
So sailing will be the mercy
A tablet for that exhausted heart
That has been hurt with cruelty and needs to calm
And I wanna preserve what's left from it
And sailing may be the start of the mend

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1111 times
Written on 2007-04-30 at 20:21

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F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
this makes me think on what many will say that 'running away' isn't the solution... but i disagree with that to a certain degree 'cause there are some things it's just better to leave behind completely and start anew - can't get a cleaner slate to start over than when we go elsewhere... nothing wrong about eliminating barriers and whatever else that holds back... my thoughts :) lovely write... the wish comes through strongly... and in my own way i recognize that space... *hugs* xx

You keep on sailing get away from the things that hurts you. I sometimes feel like sailing (running away) I just don't see why I have to face pain everyday when I can get away from it. If sailing you may encounter some rough waters but see it new challenges and new things to fight for... this is really an emotional poem, I really enjoyed reading it. I am sure that sometime in live everybody feels like running away and I don't always think it is such a "bad" thing...

"A tablet for that exhausted heart" a very strong line your exhaustion and confusion are so well penned, your pain grabbed my heart instinctively with your powerful write... Please never stop writing you have such a talent... because you write from your heart and a little bit of your head..

very good Amanda... loved it

Kathy Lockhart
set your sails Amanda and move upon the waters. This is full of emotions and imagery. The flow is smooth like the calm seas on which you sail. At least I wish you calm seas and a good wind. :)