Over Lilac Sunsets

Waves wash upon silk beaches

Winds deliver gentle breeze

Skies light up the playful atmosphere

Silence slips into the seas


Thoughts of you came into view

Though the moon came shining bright

Every moment that we ever shared

Explained the ever starlit night


Moonbeams made most wonderful light

Marble grains spread out across the scene

Lilies blooming in plentiful company

Left the mountains fresh and clean


Past ideas of how we came to be

Put my mind in a state of unrest

Seeing your lasting smile in the sky above

Sealed the deal of my last request


Heavens watched over the floating clouds

While the sun took rest this day

Tears fell from the hearts of many

Who could admit they weren’t ok

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 807 times
Written on 2007-06-16 at 02:28

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Kathy Lockhart
Aaron your poetry is simply Beautiful!