My entry to my challenge : )

Forgiveness in the Twilight Hour (Thomas Kinkade Challenge)

I've been walking with no hope in sight
I wish my past would erase
In this moment light shines slowly
Looks down on my disgrace
On this path I stop in motion
To see what beauty lies near
Nature releases its resources
Its branches so lithe and sheer
I fall down on my humble knees
And ask to erase my sin
I can’t control the pain I feel
I struggle to fight within
With the shadows now surrounding
And the light beams taking part
Forgive my wrongs, forgive me please
This burden inside my heart
I cry my tears of regret
I just need one final chance
The light shows me understanding
Shows me with its subtle glance
I walk away with a burden
Lifted slowly from my mind
That place where nature embraced
I will never leave behind

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 936 times
Written on 2007-08-05 at 23:19

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extremly beautiful! But very painful, I had to read it out laud to understand everything ('cause my english isn't the best of the best) but as I sed, extremly beautiful. 'Häpnandsväckande'