Link [pic]: Goodnight And Great Next Day, Said The Lamp

Goodnight And Great Next Day, Said The Lamp

Current Mood: undefined
Current Music: "Trippin' " - Edwin

NOTE: 2007 09 26 24H59 EST Goodnight And Great Next Day, Said The Lamp - childhood imagination... pic: brother & me - jan 1984...

as a child, before falling asleep,
i'd imagine the world saying
to each other: goodnight.
people then objects included.

i'd lie down in bed, under my blanket,
with my flannel pink pyjamas i loved so.
then, i'd close my eyes and let it flow.

the lamp would talk to my book,
next to it lay the pencil and eraser,
they too would jump in the convo,
the furniture did the same, of course.
as well as the alarm-clock, slippers,
stuffed toys and dolls, the pillow,
light switch, door, lamp posts outside,
cars, houses, just every single thing,
all were part of this night briefing.

you see, they'd all come to life once
humans were off to sleep the night
'cause things too needed care
and concern for how their day was,
a very sensitive child i was, i guess.

their conversations would ring
in my ears 'til their smiling voices
would calmly wish to one another
a good night and a great next day.

and i, i'd fall calmly asleep then,
with a smile of contentment
for the freedom of my world
i didn't know i had but felt.

tonight, i reminisce about
that little girl who dreamed
as a child is meant to do,
and the feeling is wonderful.

Diary by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 408 times
Written on 2007-09-26 at 07:02

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Rob Graber
A sweet recollection!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A good poem , our bedrooms as a child are indeed majercal. Pirets ships , space ships and so so much more ,

Hugs , Ken , (D Williams)

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
What a wonderfully enchanting piece of poetry. I want to say more but i can't find the words. Really did so enjoy this. :-)