
Life threw the net around of vice and virtue
I have no other choice than to choose Virtue, it is true
The triumph of virtue, I failed to prove,
History has shown virtue triumphed,
But after waiting long in a narrow groove;

It was the time my friends chose the luxurious temptation of vice
Vice gave them the gold and diamond biscuit slice;
I am with virtue with nothing other than daily share of vegetable spice,
Day by day I am pulled towards vice, for all those things which seem to be nice,
Me from deep was still a slave of virtue for any price;

I wondered , and wondered in life as if along the banks of dried lake,
No where to see the water for life of even a bowl;
Me inside warned myself 'better you taste; more you bake',
I gave the virtue a long rope, knowing well 'I will reap; what I sow'.

Poetry by Vidyadhar Durgekar
Read 286 times
Written on 2008-02-18 at 15:32

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