
This world has various thoughts of school,
Truth, honesty were taught to me in school,
With honour they were the ones I chose;
And the life told me I will loose,
The honesty, integrity if I choose;

With honesty, Integrity I held myself high,
But every moment was filled with a sigh;
I believe Still the spirit of Christ shall imply
Come what may they shall be my pride;

I think, I loved the truth I know,
But the world branded me with a big 'No'
I wait for thee every morning and noon,
To deliver me from these very soon.

Help me help me if you can
To live, let live and shine;
With an opposition as ruthless as they can;
In my endeavor to tread a path,
Gandhi, Budda, Christ defined;
Help me help if you can!

Poetry by Vidyadhar Durgekar
Read 301 times
Written on 2008-02-20 at 00:20

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