Global Warming

When teen-agers, we dated a sexy icicle
Won't mention her by name
It seems her moods of warmth were cyclical
Teasing was her game

She had many frozen parts
Most attractive and well hidden
But to caress this frigid tart
Was ardently forbidden

Her icy assets were assiduously kept
Well guarded under wraps
And she was particularly adept
At teasing us sex-starved saps

I wonder if she melted yet
And is sexually performing
Giving the guys what they want to get
Thanking God for global warming

by Stan Cooper...2/2/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 737 times
Written on 2009-03-08 at 16:28

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Zoey Jane
hahaha!Hilarious little ditty! very naughty!