My Brain

My brain has its own mind
I've no say at all
I've no control of any kind
Of words or poems I scrawl

I tell it this, I tell it that
It never pays attention
What I propose is bristled at
I'm robbed of all retention

I'm now a poet-poem-less bound
My brain is at wits end
It offers nothing at all profound
Except my poem-less portend

I won't fight it anymore
Its mind is much too strong
Hopefully, the peace of mind I'm searching for
Will appear before too long

by Stan Cooper...4/19/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 765 times
Written on 2009-04-25 at 16:56

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Esti D-G
Bookmarked Stan!

O well done, I know just how you feel!

melanie sue
Great form and rhythm and cute response to writer's block. I am a sucker for a good rhythmic rime. Thanks. I really enjoyed this. :)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
great as always with great art from yiu both.

Some time ago , me mind said to me braine,
''I'm going out to lunch , brain''
Not a word since has been herd
Now I'm mindless , going out of me head ,
Posted on the net , notewfide the cops ,
Missing mind check your bins , out houses,
'Tis lonly hear in side my head , a brain
With no mind is a sad and tereabul thing.

I trust that yours and mine have met up Stan , abd haveing a good time :)

Ken ( D Williams )

that sounds alot like my brain!
(it never listens to me anymore...if it ever did)

I enjoyed these words none the less :)

Purple Phoenix
We can only hope! :-)