I've never had any tea leaves read ....

In the autumn we rake our tree leaves to the curb and trucks from town vacuum them up and take them away. I wonder are there people who will come to read the leaves from my Japanese Maple tree?

Reading Japanese Maple Leaves

A Poem for the Child in Us All
© Thomas R. Farrell

I asked the gypsy to read my leaves
And she asked me -.. to bring to her the cup...

"They're on the lawn" I said to her
"It is the "waking" time before the men with trucks
Come to suck them all away from edge of curb"

"Tomorrow, I'll be raking them to the street"

She studied me as from another planet
Half the size of earth..
"You 'wake" your leaves before the trucks
Come to suck your leaves away?"

"I do" I said with pride in both the ceremony
Of my grief and in the planet where I'm from..

She stood a while longer looking at the leaves
And wondering about the kind of man who mourns his leaves.

"You will need a specialist of sorts
I can only read the leaves from tea in empty cups...

"Perhaps my Uncle Hendrick ....I'll call you if he can!"

Poetry by Tom Farrell
Read 862 times
Written on 2009-06-21 at 00:31

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Take a leaf out of my book.

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
a sweet write that
I throughly enjoyed reading


melanie sue
SO SILLY! i LOVED every darn word.