It should never get to this point where you write things like this in my opinion.


The home we had was warm and secure
Or at least that was how is seemed
Was perfection just a lie to be held
Was this reality just a dream?
It was our home to be safe in
Never an intruder or hint of doubt
Who knew that you my shield
My rock would throw me out
Out into the cold you tossed me
Didn't you even care?
How could you believe the ones that deceive?
And lock yourself in to an affair
Suddenly you realize your mistake
And want me to come strolling inside
You have no idea the cost you have made
The heart you've broken or the tears I've cried
It's cold out here in this world without you
It's all as it should be
I still love you but the trust now shattered
Has stabbed me in right in the back
Trust is a fragile thing
You used my trust to attack
For now I'll bottle up the pain I feel
And cast your words aside
I'm not ready to strap myself in
To go along for the ride
I still love you once again
But I'm hurt, can't you see
I wish to let this pain subside
So I can finally be free
I'll weigh all the options
Whether to bend or break
And decide if trusting you
Is the poison I'm willing to take

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1257 times
Written on 2009-06-30 at 10:45

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