Faulty Aspiration

An aspiring Aphrodite
Decided on a whim
To curb her appetite-y
To make her sleek and slim

Alas it didn't work too well
Her corpulence remained
She couldn't lose her tummies' swell
Her waistline never waned

When her Aphrodite aspiration
Did not come to pass
She lost her motivation
To lose her hefty ass

Then happily she realized
Becoming more astute
Beauty is not set by size
So her dieting was moot

by Stan Cooper...6/27/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 662 times
Written on 2009-07-02 at 13:57

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Purple Phoenix
This is cool Stan, put a smile on my face! Applauded. :-) xPP

To go from no inspiration to Aphrodite is a quantum jump Stan...and we are all the better for it. I suppose, if one needs a muse, might just as well reach for the sky.
Nick :-)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
'Tis offtan said , '' Beauty is in the eye of the beholder''. Well , well the pitcher works for me , she is a cracker!

Well written , great art , as always.

Ken ( D Williams )

Rob Graber
As good a lesson as it is a chuckle! I enjoy especially the second stanza. Waistlines do seem reluctant to wane...


melanie sue
Wonderful! As usual, you come through with the best damn stuff, complete with pictorial illustration that enhances the artistry of your words! Thank you!

a fine write. and the picture is just great :)

(also, I learned a new word again ;)