A Birds-Eye View

With his ostrich head down in the sand
His worldly view is less than bland
He's sanded down with ostrich flair
So we assume he's happy there

With head in sand he appears absurd
But our point of view is not a birds
We don't have a birds-eye view
How birds think, we have no clue

He must know something we don't know
That keeps him happy down below
But I doubt it's something we should try
We don't see well with sand in eye

Yet some politicians are real bird-brains
With heads in sand have no constrains
Viewing their world with bird-like mentality
Heads down below, they block out reality

But they are in office 'cause we voted for them
So in fact, we're to blame for all their mayhem
Why they were elected, I now understand
We voted ostrich-like with heads in the sand

by Stan Cooper...7/13/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 670 times
Written on 2009-07-18 at 15:14

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So glad the "toon" is back, in even more splendour and humour, the poetry as usual written with wit and flair, bravo!

Rob Graber
As voters, let us not think with our heads instead of what's under his hat! Good write and especially funny cartoon; my hat's off to poet and cartoonist alike!

melanie sue
sad, but true. I love your stuff. It is always so good.Thanks for sharing another.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Enjoyed very much , keeping up your high standards .The both of you are The Team.

Ken (D Williams )

Purple Phoenix
Brilliant Stan, couldn't agree more! I always say voting is like filling a menu form at the hospital, it doesn't matter what you ask for, chances are it will be difficult to swallow! ;-)

Amen Stan. A democracy of ignorant citizens is no democracy at all.
Fine writing!

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
BRILLIANT as usual

A witty write
