You're Full Of It

I don't understand the expression
Usually said with much aggression
"You're full of it"
When they say it with such thunder
"Full of what", is what I wonder
I doubt they mean my wit?

It would seem less horrific
If for me they'd be specific
Example, "You're full of beans"
But no, when kept guessing
What I'm "full of" is distressing
And has me so demeaned

It isn't very thoughtful
To leave me so distraught-ful
With their "full of it" confrontations
If understood I could acclimate
By attempting to ameliorate
To remove their allegations

But, alas, they aren't helpful
As for me, I think they're dreadful
With their "your full of it" rap
I'll exhibit all my shrewdness
By ignoring all their rudeness
After all, they're just "full of crap"

by Stan Cooper...8/14/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 915 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2009-08-16 at 03:32

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Mr painter

Phyllis J. Rhodes

Happily this poem has resurfaced.
Thanks, much enjoyed.

chuma okafor
I love this soulful piece...'am actually full of this text!Cheers

Purple Phoenix
Bahaha! Another winner from you Stan, you never fail to put a smile on my face, but make me think as well.. Bless you! :-)

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

melanie sue
and this one made me laugh- i am glad i didn't read it before the other one--i much prefer the happier mood lingering

I really like your work-ALL OF IT!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You did make me laugh with this - Enjoyable as always to read your poetry

Elle x

You are full of warm-hearted humour, my friend! That's it!

Phyllis J. Rhodes
What a delight to read this just when I needed a laugh. Like all your work, the lines move right along, in a tempo matching the subject, making reading it a treat for the mind.