This is part of a poem I wrote while on holiday in sweden in June. I finished the rest of it today, and it's very personal. Please feel free to review, any comment at all helps me grow.

I am my father's child

I am my father's child
His blood flows in my veins
If I take a knife and slice it through
It still won't go away

I am my father's child
You can see him in my face
His face so plain, mine is the same
I have half his dna

I am my father's child
Without him I wouldn't be
I'd be a hidden waif unknown
And sheltered from the sea

I am my father's child
That's a thing I can't deny
I will never have a loving dad
to sing me a lullaby

I am my father's child
My mother told me so
It lies so deep, but I won't weep
The darkness never grow

Poetry by Else Rudolph
Read 313 times
Written on 2009-08-20 at 18:16

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I think you have a very good flow in this and I like it - I like how the thoughts project out, accepting, yet not accepting

Elle x