A poem I just came up with.. Not that good, but I have noticed how small things can make your life better.. In this case a little child.. I truly look forward to the day I can hold one in my arms!

Little Child

Sleep, little child
Let your dreams fly you away
I just want you to know
That I'm here to stay

Dream, little child
You don't know it yet
I once did the same
Just to forget

Fly, little child
You are so loved
You came to this earth
From heaven above

Smile, little child
My heart fills with hope
The darkness is at my door
Demanding me to open up

Don't worry, child
I swam in the ocean of grief before
But my belly started to grow
And you suddenly showed up

My darling child
I just opened my eyes
Now I get to see you
Awake and surprised

I sing your song, child
You saved my life
Now, just close your eyes
My sweet little child

Poetry by Else Rudolph
Read 291 times
Written on 2009-08-29 at 18:45

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