Dedicated to a soul that flew away too young, too soon...

Rest in peace

Dear boy

Oh, my boy, you left so soon
You were supposed to stay
To share every day with me,
in every single way

My boy, I love you so very much
It hurts deep into my soul
How could you leave me alone on this earth
I can't breathe when you are gone

My dear boy, you are my man
You have fallen to the stars
When can I see your face again
Dear boy, I don't understand

How could you leave me here, boy
The wonderful days we had
I'll treasure them, every movement, every smile
We were whole, you left me half

My boy, my man, my darling, dear love
I have to say goodbye
I'll bury my heart with you under the apple tree
And I hope you watch me with a smile

I love you, dear friend

Poetry by Else Rudolph
Read 286 times
Written on 2009-08-29 at 22:47

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