Some Old Guys

Some old guys are cantankerous
To the point of being rancorous
But no, that's not me

Some old guys need a wake-up
They need a hardy shake-up
But no, that's not me

Some old guys can't face reality
Can't accept what's actuality
But no, that's not me

Some old guys can't face what's next
Avoiding next on some pretext
But no, that's not me

Could it be I protest too much
That my protest is just my crutch
It could be, that's really me

But, on the other hand.......????

by Stan Cooper...8/26/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 643 times
Written on 2009-09-07 at 07:43

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Rob Graber
Amusing and perceptive reflection. Ought we not remain at least a bit uncertain about ourselves?


You're not old Stan. I knew guys in high school who were already old at 16. It's a state of mind. You're as old as you feel and if you feel what you write chronological math doesn't apply.

melanie sue
What defines old? How does one qualify? I like the statements and denials presented in poetical form. I for one, agree with protest!

Some of us old gals can be quite cantankerous too! I know I am, but enjoyed the humour you portray.
Luv, N.